Very pleased with the product and works great with my 12 inch subwoofers and I’m looking forward to buying more
I was shopping for an amplifier and I have had several different types through the years but CT sound really just stand out to me because of how Calvin was always talking about the company and just really sold me on the quality of the amplifier I installed it today I've had it since January I would have to tell you this much the sound quality of that amplifier is absolutely amazing I had an old pioneer amplifier in there and it just couldn't handle the one subwoofer that I had on it running it into 2 ohm all I can say is this keep up the good work I am very impressed I did a Google review about CT sound also I will put the link in here and you're welcome to go check it out
CT-700.1D // 700 Watts RMS Monoblock Car Audio Amplifier
Works great for getting some bass. If I would’ve gotten my 2 12” sooner, I’d probably get a bigger amp but it works good for a bit of noise.